The Community – Sharing Stories

With the start of the course we have explored the suggestion that how we view our environment has an impact on how we treat it. Sustainability in the built environment is as much an action to our surroundings as a reaction to it. Many in the course have already expressed the lack of knowledge surrounding sustainability and its impact on the environment. Your midterm assignment is to explore, through representation, a mapping that will illustrate the inherent forces/flows/metabolisms occurring within your images from assignment 1.

Swyngedouw, from Social Power and the Urbanization of Water, states that urbanization is connected to the transformation of nature and the social relations inscribed within. Your explorations will take a two step process that will attempt to “re-present” the complex relationships of nature and social relations (as well as political and economic) occurring within/around/about the urban condition of your image. By exposing the underlying layers of a site’s perceived urban construct we can better understand the contradictory forces operating. True sustainable design has the capacity to mediate the power struggles that can disengage us from a sites fullest potential. This exercise will prepare us in creating a new process of socio-environmental reconstruction.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fishermen VS Towers

This photo was taken last summer 2009. I was completing my internship at an architecture office based in Ain el Mraysseh - Beirut. The office had a main view that gave on the sea. One day something weird was happening; it was impossible not to notice how the sea color was changing. It turned from blue to a greenish white, an unusual color that stirred feelings of disgust. This weird color faded away and the sea turned back to blue in an interval of 1 hour or so. But the color of dirt came back again just a few later, so I took a photo of it with my mobile because at that time I was working with friends of mine in an environmentalist party on an exhibition to raise awareness about ecological problems, so I was documenting every case I found to be alarming. Another hour and the color was gone again… The sea shore kept changing in color all day long it made us in the office wonder about it, we were a bit busy to go out and check what was happening. But we guessed it right. When I left the office that day, heading to my car, I noticed the construction site just next to the building where I work. Waste material was disposed off right on the shore!! And then waves would carry the entire waste deep in the sea… and the worst is that no one cared to stop this crime because the next day same thing happened again. The most striking is that I used to see people fishing around the same spot where waste was disposed off, and it’s at a proximity to where AUB beach is located!! Whoever was responsible of that construction site either had no clue about the harming effects of their acts on recreational spaces and aquatic life, or simply were they careless and selfish!

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